Benefits Of Warm-up Exercises

10 Simple Tips To Improve Your Running Stamina


Every runner wants to know how to run fast and long. It's difficult but not impossible. Your passion and interest make it easy and comfortable. Remember that if you have a passion and interest in your work, the more difficult things seem easier to you. If you want to know how to run fast and long, make runing your passion. Run with full dedication and interest.

Run every day, there are many benefits to running everyday. Remember that consistency makes you perfect. Runing regularly Improves your ability to run. Here are 10 simple steps or tips that will help you Improve your running stamina. 

1) Proper Running Warm-up

Before running do proper Warm-up. It's help to increase your performance and Prevent from injuries. In other words, warmup activate your lungs for running.
Good Warm-up helps to in good running.
If you don't Warm-up before you run, You will have trouble running.

2) Easy Run

Easy running increases your muscles strength and endurance with comfortable effort. Easy running strengthens muscles with less fatigue. Easy run done at very control and comfortable pace. When you run easy, you need to keep up the pace with easy intensity. When you run easy for a long periods of time, Your body uses fats for energy. It's mean easy run is a good way to reduce your fats

Do 2 session each week.

 If we talk about Physiologically.

I) What is easy run?

Your heart rate should be between 50% and 75% of your maximum heart rate during an easy run. You don't exceed the 75% of your maximum heart rate during easy run. It's help to increase you cardio endurance.

II) What is your Maximum Heart Rate?

Maximum Heart Rate  = 220 - Age
For Example:
Your Age                         = 23 Years

Maximum Heart Rate  = 220 - Age
                                         = 220 - 23
                                         = 197 beat 
Your Maximum Heart Rate is 197 beat per minute.

3) Tempo Run

Tempo run increase your muscles endurance. Tempo run teach us how to deal with stress while running competition and how to maintain running Pace. When we start the tempo run, we should feel comfortable in first few minutes. In the middle and at the end of the running you should put more emphasis on running and you should feel uncomfortable. At the end of your tempo run you should feel like a speed running. 

In the middle of the tempo run, When you push hard and you feel uncomfortable, lactic acid starts to build up in your muscles. At the end of the tempo run, you feel heavy weight in your muscles due to lactic acid. Then you need to reduce your running speed by 10 to 15 percent and maintain it till end of the tempo run. This type of training increases your muscles strength, endurance and speed.

There are three different types of tempo runs.
I) Lactate Threshold Run
II) Merathon/Half Merathon Pace Run
III) Progressive Run
Do one sessions per week.

4) Strength Training

Strength training helps to increase muscles strength and strengthen the muscles that increase running stride length. Good stride increases your speed. Strength training prevents injuries. There are many types of strength but there are 3 kinds of muscle strength.
I) Concentric Strength
II) Ecentric Strength
III) Static Strength
Strength training increases the size of muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. Strength also increases in these parts of the body.
Do 2 to 3 sessions per week.

5) Flexibility Workout

Flexible exercises increase range of motion in the joints and make all parts of our body flexible. More flexible joints lead to faster running. Flexible exercises are also increase muscles strength. When we train strength after strength training, You need to do flexible a session of flexible exercises. When we do strength training our muscles become tight due to strength training. When we get extra output from tight muscles, The muscles can get injured due to tightness.

After strength training flexibility workout releases muscles tightness. Do three to four sessions per week.

6) Running  Interval Training

Interval training is very important workout for speed and endurance. This workout strengthens the fast twitch and slow twitch muscles fibers which helps to Improve our speed and speed endurance.
There is three types of running interval training.

I) Short Distance Interval Training

Short running Interval training strengthens the fast twitch muscles fibers. This type of training increases the speed of running. In this session, we run short distance with speed, then take a break, then run short distance with speed, repeat this over and over.

For example:

Run 50 meters 5 times with 30 seconds rest, then rest for 2 minutes.
Run 150 meters 3 times with 30 seconds rest, then rest for 5 minutes.
Run 30 meters 5 times with one minute rest.
This is short Runing interval training that helps increase running speed.

II) Middle Distance Interval Training

Middle distance interval training strengthens the fast twitch and slow twitch both muscles fibers. This type of training increases the speed endurance. In this session, We run middle distance with speed, then take a break, then run middle distance with speed, repeat this over and over.

For example:

Run 300 meters 5 times with 60 seconds rest, then rest for 2 minutes.
Run 800 meters 3 times with 2 minutes rest, then rest for 5 minutes.
Run 500 meters 5 times with one minute rest.
This is short Runing interval training that helps increase speed endurance.

III) Long Distance Interval Training

Long distance interval training strengthens the slow twitch muscles fibers. This type of training increases the running endurance. In this session, We run long distance, then take a break, then run long distance, repeat this over and over.

For Example:

Run 1500 meters 5 times with 3 minutes rest, then rest for 5 minutes.
Run 3000 meters 3 times with 3 minutes and 30 seconds rest, then rest for 5 minutes.
Run 1000 meters 3 times with 2 minute rest.
This is long runing interval training that helps increase long running endurance.

7) Good Eating Habits

You can't take a step without of energy. We get energy from our food which we eat in our daily routine. Good food give us good and healthy energy. Unhealthy food give us unhealthy energy. If you want to develop runing stamina, first of all change your eating habits. Follow running diet plan. The running diet plan Improves your immune system and gives you the healthy energy you need to run. 

8) Improves Sleeping Routine

You can't perform better without of rest. Sleep is an excellent source of rest that recover your body fatigue. When you get a good night's sleep(8 to 9 hours) before you run, you run better. You need to improves your sleep for a good run.

9) Proper Running Shoes

Shoes play the most important role in running. Running Shoes help you run well. You run well with less effort in running shoes. 

10) Cool Down/Warm Down

Reduce the running fatigue by cool down/warm Down after running. Warm down prepare the muscles for next day running workout. Good and proper warm down reduce your whole fatigue after running.


