Warm-up activate our muscles, lungs, and heart for Workout. Warm-up gradually increase our body temperature, heart rate and blood flow before workout. Good Warm-up protects against injuries. A good warm-up increases your performance and you do not feel fatigue even after hard work.
Normal warm up duration should be 10 to 15 minutes for low intensity workout. Your heart rate should be 50 to 64 percent during low intensity workout.
If one wants to exercise at a moderate intensity, then duration of warm-up should be 20 to 30 minutes. your heart rate should be 64 to 76 percent during moderate intensity workout.
If one wants to workout at a high intensity, then duration of warm-up should be 30 to 45 minutes. Your heart rate should be 77 to 93 percent during high intensity workout.
How To Find Maximum Heart Rate?
Subtract 220 by age and you will get the maximum heart rate.
If your agr is 20 years old.
Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - Age
= 220 - 20 years
Maximum Heart Rate = 200 Beat per minute.
There are three types of warm-up general warm-up, Passive warm-up and specific warm-up.
I) General Warm-up
Start your warm-up with general exercises like slow cycling, slow jogging, slow swimming, light jumping and with light dynamic streaches. We increase body temperature in Warm-up. Warm-up protect against injuries because of high temperature that our muscles need. Warm muscles help increase blood flow, better blood flow increase our performance and protects against injuries.
When do general warm-up?
When we do fitness then we do general warm-up. but there is two types of fitness.
1) General fitness and
2) Specific fitness
When we do general fitness then we do general warm-up.
When we do specific fitness then we do specific warm-up.
II) Passive warm-up
We raise our body temperature in warm-up, which is why our muscles need the best performance. When we raise our body temperature without any exercise that is called passive warm-up. When we drink green tea or coffee, it raises our body temperature, which is a passive warm-up. Passive warm-up helps you lose weight faster. Passive warm-up helps to lose weight without exercise, it increases metabolism.
When we do passive warm-up?
We do passive warm-up in injury rehabilitation. When we have an injury, we drink a cup of green tea or coffee then apply a hot pad to our injured muscles. We perform this activity after you have completing the 48 to 72 hours icing process.
III) Specific Warm-up
Specific warm-up increases temperature using activities similar to those used in workout.
Runners do specific warm-up through slow jogging and some running drills.
Footballers do specific warm-up through some football drills.
When we do specific warm-up?
When we play a Comptiton or do specific fitness related to our games, we do specific warm-up. When we do skills training related to our games, we do specific warm-up.
Benefits Of Warm-up
There are many benefits to warming up. It Improves our performance. This reduces the risk of injury.
I) Improves Blood Flow Before Workout
When we start warming up, our body needs more nutrients, minerals, vitamins and oxygen to function properly. Gradually increase blood flow by warm-up. A good blood flow keep us healthy, the brain, lungs, kidneys, muscles and other organs work properly.
II) Protects Frome Injuries
When we do proper warm-up before workout. As our blood flow increases as we warm-up, good blood flow provides our muscles with better and good quality of nutrients, minerals and oxygen. Good quality of nutrients, minerals and oxygen protects our muscles from injuries.
III) Raises Body Temrature
Warming up gradually raise body temperature as well as increase blood flow. A good body temperature is what your muscles need your muscles which helps them perform better and enhance your sports performance. It increases the speed of muscles contractions. This improves your performance.
IV) Activate Your Lungs For Workout
Warming up gradually activate your lungs for workout. As you begin your warm-up, the warm-up gradually raises your body temperature, same as well as gradually activate your lungs for workout. This is why you keep breathing during exercise and you perform better because of good breathing, When you breath well you get more oxygen form the air. Lungs take in oxygen from air through the breathing and deliver it to the muscles through the blood. When the muscles receive oxygen from the blood, the muscles perform better because of oxygen. Muscles get tired due to the lack of oxygen in the blood. If you want to continuously perform without tiring your muscles, You need to fully oxygenate the muscles thorough the blood. Oxygenated muscles don't get tired.
V) Increase The Muscles Range Of Motion
A good warm-up Improves the muscles range of motion. When we do dynamic streaches in the warm-up that Improves the flexibility of the joints. Which helps to increase the range of motion of the muscles. Good range of motion improves your performance.
VI) Reduces Muscles Cramps
When we do warm-up, warm-up reduces cramps in the muscles due to good blood flow and good body temperature as our muscles need.
VII) Maintain Fitness Level
When we do warm-up regular, Warm-up maintain our fitness level. A good warm-up Activate our muscles.
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