Benefits Of Warm-up Exercises

Benefits Of Running Everyday


Here you will  learn benefits of Runing in every day of life. I am professional runner Mr. Shahbaz Ahmad. I have 10 years experience in this field. I am now the Junior national silver and All Pakistan interversity  4 times Gold Medalist in 5km run and 10km run.

Runing is a great exercise for all time. You can fit yourself by Runing without of any gym equipments. We can never deny the importance of running. If you are Sportsman, you can't achieve your goals without of running. You have to need running for fitness

Even if you are snooker plyer, you still have to run for better performance. I think you don't understand but no problem I explain it. When you play a snooker short, you need to control your breathing while playing short. If you your cardiovascular system is strong, you can easily hold your breath comfortable and long time. You can play better snooker shorts with a good cardiovascular system. Running Improves your cardiovascular system faster.

Benefits Of Running

  • How to improve Cardiovascular System By Running?
  • Running Builds Muscles Strength.
  • One Week Muscles Strengthening Training Plan By Running.
  • Increase Muscles Endurance With Running Workout.
  • One Week Muscles Endurance Training Plan By Running.
  • Running reduce stress.
  • Regularly Run Strengthens Your Bones.
  • Running Lower The Blood Pressure But Improve Blood Flow
  • Running Improves body Posture.
  • Running Reduces Risk Of Cancer
  • Running Improves Overall health.

How to improve Cardiovascular System By Running?

Runing is the fastest way to Improve cardiovascular system. Runners have stronger heart, their heart rate is slower, but their heart pump more blood to the muscles. Running improves your stroke volume of the heart. Which helps pump more blood to the muscles. When there is more blood supply to your muscles, It means that your cardiovascular system is stronger.

A strong cardiovascular system can protect you from corona virus because a good cardiovascular system boosts the immune system. 

Running regularly for 10 - 15 minutes can strengthen your cardiovascular system. If you can't run then jogging is best for you. 30 minutes jogging equals 10 minutes running. You can strengthen your heart by jogging. If you can't jog then brisk walk is best for you. 50 minutes  brisk walking equal 10 minutes running. You can strengthen your heart by brisk walk. A strong heart always has a strong cardiovascular system.

Running Builds Muscles Strength

You can easily builds your muscles strength by running. I give you a training plan which can strengthen your muscles by running. 

One Week Muscles Strengthening Training Plan By Running

Day One:

One hour slow Jogging on the toes (Half feet).
After workout streach your body.

Day Two:

10 sets of 15 seconds Sprint at 80-90 percent intensity with 30 seconds jogging. 
After workout proper Cool Down.

Day Three:

30 Minutes easy run.

Day Four:

90 Minutes slow jogging.
First 20 minute jogging on flat feet.
Next 50 minutes jogging on toes (Half feet).
Properly Cool Down with Streaching after workout.

Day Five:

7 sets of 30 seconds Sprint on 80 percent intensity with 30 seconds walk.

Day Six:

20 minute easy running.

Day Seven:

10 sets of 50 meters Sprint on 95 percent intensity with 60 seconds rest.

Do this exercise if you want Strengthens your muscles and cardiovascular system. Do proper Cool Down after every workout.

Increase Muscles Endurance With Running Workout

If you are working on your muscles endurance then I suggest you as a professional runner to choose running workout for muscle endurance. Running will give you extraordinary muscles endurance.

One Week Muscles Endurance Training Plan By Running

Day One:

45 minutes easy Running.

Day Two:

90 minutes slow jogging.

Day Three:

6 sets of 400 meters running at 70 percent intensity with 100 meters walk.
Properly Cool Down after workout.

Day Four:

60 minutes slow jogging.
Proper Cool Down after workout.

Day Five:

4 sets of 15 minutes slow running with 5 minutes rest.

Day Six:

90 minutes slow jogging.
Proper Cool Down after workout.

Day Seven:

4 sets of 800 meters running at 70 percent intensity with one minute rest.

Running reduce stress

Running is an of excellent exercise that reduces stress. Your body sweats a lot while running as well as reduce also your stress level. When you run early in the morning, you feel fresh because of fresh air in the morning. If you want to reduce your stress, running early in the morning is an excellent way to reduce your stress level.

Regularly Run Strengthens Your Bones

If you run 40 to 60 km a week, you can expect your bones to be stronger. When you run regularly, your bones get more nutrients than blood. Which strengthens your bones as well as increase bones density. 

Running Lower The Blood Pressure But Improve Blood Flow

The arteries carry blood from heart to the muscles. Arteries are thick blood vessels. Veins carry blood from muscles to the heart. When your veins become thin, blood pressure start in the body. Blood Pressure is a common disease that causes the veins become thinner.

When we run or jog for 30 minutes regularly. This activity makes our veins thicker which in turn lower blood pressure and Improves blood flow. Thick veins help to Improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Running Improves body Posture

When you run regularly your burn excess body fat. You get Lean and muscular body which Improves your body posture. Body posture is key index of your personality. 

Good body postures make your personality wonderful and attractive. 90%  movies actors run or jog or walk in the morning. because they know that exercises make our personalty Attractive.

Running Reduces Risk Of Cancer

Exercising or running regularly reduces the risk of cancer. Regular 30-40 minutes boosts our immune system. A strong immune system fight against diseases like cancer. You don't need any gym equipments to running. Just take a pair of shoes and start your running exercise and always stay healthy.

Running Improves Overall health

Runing is one of the best ways to protect yourself from diseases. Running lower your blood pressure. Running lower your cholesterol level. Running Strengthens the heart. The heart Improves the flow of blood throughout our body. Which help to Improve overall health. 

Important Instructions

If you run regularly you have to need eat properly healthy deit. If you do not eat a healthy diet regularly then improve your diet for best results. Drink plenty of water for best results. If you drink plenty of water then water work like a pain killer during running. Water relieves muscles pain. If you have muscle pain due to running, drink plenty of water throughout the day and run. Your muscle pain will go away when you start sweating.

Contect Number

Shahbaz Ahmad
Watts app: +923064568921


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